
Children’s Ministry – Promised Land

At LifeSpring Community Church, we are excited about the opportunity to partner with parents in the raising of the next generation. While we view our role as supplementary, we believe God’s call is for us to make an impact on the lives of the children in our church body and community by…

Teaching them about the person of God and His work in our world,

Training them to walk according to the Word of God, and

Launching them into the destiny God has for them.

Cell Groups

We believe the life, and heartbeat, of our church body is in our cell groups. These are small groups that meet in homes at various times throughout the week. The purpose of these groups typically covers one or all of the following: worship, discipleship, fellowship, ministry, and evangelism. If you are interested in getting to know LifeSpring Community Church our cell groups are a great place to start!

Mens Ministry

Our mens group meets twice a month to share the word of God and to fellowship.


Women’s Ministry – Wonderfully Woman

Our women’s ministry, Wonderfully Woman, meets frequently to enhance and celebrate each woman’s walk with the Lord through fellowship, outreach, teaching, and scheduled retreats.

Community Life Groups

We believe the life, and the heartbeat, of our church body is in our cell groups. These are small groups that meet in homes at various times throughout the week. The purpose of these groups typically covers one or all of the following: Worship, Discipleship, Fellowship, Ministry, and Evangelism. If you are interested in getting to know Lifesprings Community Church our small groups are a great place to start!

Altar Ministry

We believe we should provide opportunity for personal ministry because Jesus ministered personally and individually to people. We desire to be a church that functions in the gifts of the Holy Spirit in order to bring strength and encouragement to the body of Christ. Our desire is to meet prayer needs in the following areas: Salvation, Baptism of the Holy Spirit, Repentance, Healing ( Physical, Emotions, and Spiritual ), guidance, and finances. Altar Ministry workers will be on the front lines of discipleship as they prey for needs, and will often be the first person that those who receive Christ talk to after their conversion! What an incredible ministry and opportunity for those that desire to pray for the needs of people.

Worship Ministry

The focus of the worship ministry at LifeSpring Community Church is to lead the church in a passionate pursuit of the presence of the Living God. Using a contemporary music style, we seek to worship, honor, and adore our Savior. We are expectant of what the Lord will do in our midst as we gather together weekly. It is our desire that our corporate worship would…

Overflow into our week (that we’d carry a song in our hearts and be in a continuous posture of praise and thanksgiving), 
Draw the hearts of men, women, and children closer to the heart of God,
Serve others in Christ’s name, and
Ignite within us a greater hunger for a deeper, life-changing relationship with Jesus.

Youth Group

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