About Us

Our Core Values

1. We value knowing God’s acceptance and freedom. God accepts you now and forever by grace through faith in Christ Jesus, therefore we will always encourage people to live good lives from a motivation of thankfulness towards God and never use guilt to motivate. You will find freedom here.

2. We value unity within a diverse community. God likens His church to a body with many parts. Unity is possible because we are many different parts of His body with Christ being the head. Recognizing and appreciating our different giftings, passions, temperaments, and callings harnesses the power of unity in our midst.

3. We value experiencing God’s presence. We want to create an atmosphere where you can come into personal contact with God.

4. We value discovering God’s purpose for our lives. Our leadership plans to help every person discover and develop their spiritual gifts. We will strive to provide a safe atmosphere where people are freely given opportunities to serve, to take risks, to succeed, and to fail.

5. We value equipping people to do God’s work. Jesus trained His disciples for Christian living and ministry. We aim to follow His example of giving away the joy of ministry by equipping volunteers to do God’s work.

6. We value balanced spiritual growth. We think that the Bible contains everything that we need to live life to the fullest. Therefore our goal is to build a healthy church by giving appropriate emphasis to the following areas that are given priority in the Bible: worship, fellowship, evangelism, missions, and discipleship.

7. We value sharing God’s love with others. The love of Jesus has captured our hearts therefore it is our privilege to share it with others.

8. We value servant leadership. Jesus said, “No greater love can a man have than to lay his life down for his friends.” The primary role of our leaders is to serve others.

9. We value honoring God through excellence. Our desire is to bring glory to God by doing all we do with excellence. We aim for excellence without extravagance.

10. We value creativity and innovation. God has created every person with unique gifts dreams that are meant to be an expression of Christ in the world. We desire to create a place where those gifts and dreams are drawn out of people and implemented.

What we believe

These truths form the backbone of our theology though they are certainly not a complete list of biblical doctrines. But they are the ones we feel fundamentally anchor us into God’s purposes:

God is one and He is all powerful, infinite in glory, wisdom, justice, and love. He does what He wants, when He wants, where He wants, how He wants. Even though He is one He manifests Himself in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Eph. 1:2-15

The Bible, including both the Old and New Testaments, is God’s word of life to us today. The Bible is absolutely true and is our infallible rule for faith and practice. II Tim. 3:16-17

God created the world out of nothing for His own pleasure and purpose. He created man in His own image, in a state of original righteousness, from which he fell by a voluntary revolt. Consequently, today, all are guilty, inherently, totally corrupt, and subject to divine wrath. The bottom line: Everyone needs salvation. Gen. 1:1&27, Rom. 5:8-18

Jesus Christ, absolutely divine, is co-eternal with the Father and the Holy Spirit. When He took on flesh and dwelled on earth, He united to His divine nature a true human nature and so He is both God and man forever. Salvation is in Jesus Christ only. God forgives every sin and gives new life to everyone who calls on the name of Jesus Christ. John 1:1-14, John 3:16, Rom. 10:8-13

Many people believe that all religions lead to God. The Bible says that every path, other than Jesus Christ, leads to destruction. God is clear that Jesus Christ is the only way that leads to eternal life, no matter what people may think about it. Matt. 7:13-14, Acts 4:12

The Holy Spirit, absolutely divine, is co-eternal with the Father and the Son. He convicts unbelievers of sin, unrighteousness, and judgment. He imparts salvation to all who are in Jesus Christ. He also comforts the children of God and empowers the church of Jesus Christ. Gen. 1:2, John 14:16-17, John 16:7-14

Salvation is a marvelous, absolutely free gift of God, received by faith, not to be earned and is totally undeserved by the person receiving it. Salvation consists of the remission of sins, being declared righteous by God, being given the new nature of Jesus Christ, being given eternal life, and receiving the continual blessings and grace of God. Eph. 2:1-10, II Cor. 5:17, John 5:11-13

Repentance towards God and faith in Jesus Christ is to be confirmed in public by the convert by full-immersion water baptism. God honors His word by giving believers power to live Godly lives, filled with joy and peace never experienced before. Mark 16:15-16, Acts 2:38, Rom. 6:3-14

Communion is to be taken frequently and offered to all believers except those who are living in unrepentant rebellion or immorality. The communion elements are symbols of Christ’s body and blood and are useful to the exercise of faith in the person of Jesus Christ as the only means of absolving guilt, shame, and punishment of sin. I Cor. 11:23-26

The Lord Jesus Christ baptizes Christians in the Holy Spirit with spiritual gifts following. All nine gifts of the Spirit, as listed in I Cor. 12:4-11, are expressed in the church today, in order prescribed by scripture. Acts 8:14-17

Jesus Christ will return again, bodily, visibly, and personally to finish the establishment of His kingdom. He will make a final separation of the redeemed and the lost, assigning unbelievers to eternal punishment in Hell and believers to eternal glory in Heaven. Acts 1:9-11, Matt. 24:3, 36, 44, Matt. 25:31-46, I Thess. 4:16-17

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